Join the Brain Tumor Data Science Challenge

The Problem Brain cancer is the tenth leading cause of death among both men and women. They are also the second most common cancer among children of age 0-14. Most of the time, we don't understand what caused a person's brain tumor but research has shown that factors such as age, family history, exposure to certain chemicals, radiation and certain viral infections may increase the risk of developing brain cancers. Successfully treating brain cancers can be very challenging due to the blood-brain barrier that keeps treatments out or the location of the tumor in the brain may prohibit surgery to avoid further complications. Malignant brain tumors such as Glioblastomas are treated with chemotherapy or radiation which prolong a patient's life only by a few months. Recently, many famous people including Senator John McCain and Vice President Joe Biden's son Beau Biden, who were diagnosed with this disease, and their families have tried to increase awareness and resea...